Thursday, August 20, 2009

AT THE FIRE RING (for lunch)

by Gordon Prickett

One brat one bun with catsup and mustard

Chips and a Bud Lite

the fire gathers quickly from circles

of peeled birch bark lighted in the west wind

Back ashore from a Secchi Disk read of 9.5 feet

on a windy sunny day

puffy scattered clouds like sheep

wander east

Quickly I have a tasty meal

beside this circle of cement

perched above the lake bank

on a tree-shaded shore

Weekdays in August are quiet here

a young couple sails out from anchorage

in their yellow boat

Distant sounds of chain saw and dozer

will invite a look... after a while

there isn't any place on this earth

where I would rather be

Grandpa Ole said it a century ago

"I like myself here."

Gordon Prickett August 2009